Today is a special day for Tyler & I, and not just because Tucker turns 2! Today marks our second anniversary of marriage. And what a fun, action-packed, adventure it has been.
I can't imagine anyone I'd rather have at my side than my best friend and husband. He makes me smile, makes me laugh, holds my hand, keeps me warm, arm bars and tackles me, spoils me rotten, thinks I'm cool, puts up with my corny humor, takes off the day when I'm sick, eats the crappy casseroles I make up, watches dumb TV shows with me, works hard to make a life for us and equally hard to spend time together. He even once wore the shirt I made that says "I (heart) Courtney." He's adopted my family and lets me be part of his. He knows more about every topic under the sun than anyone I've ever met and can fix absolutely anything. Plus he's an awesome doggy daddy and takes care of our boys.
He's my favorite person ever. I love you, Tyler.
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