Friday, April 18, 2008


I just don't wanna.
Yeah, that's just a general statement of being. didn't wanna get up. didn't wanna get ready for work. didn't want to go out in the rain while the dogs took their sweet time choosing a place to pee. didn't wanna drive to work. didn't wanna come to work. don't wanna think. don't wanna even walk across campus to get my breakfast. blah.

I'm not depressed. just uninspired today. it's probably the rain. it inspires me to stay in bed and sleep. rain, rain, go away!!!

one thing that's keeping me from curling up in a corner for a nap - imagining sunshine. T & I are going to next month. so I'm dreaming of white sand beaches, fresh seafood, sleeping in and hugging the back of my best friend while we splash around on jetskis or ride along the coast on a Harley. boy, I love vacations and one-on-one time with my husband!!

ok, see, just thinking bout that....and ignoring the dreariness outside my window.....and i'm ready to work.

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