What a week!! Tyler & Brandon (my lil bro) & I took a whirlwind vacation to Vegas, Utah & Arizona Nov. 14-22.
Vegas - This was Brandon's first over-21 trip to Vegas. It was fun to hang out with him and show him the city. He'll say it's cheesy but I know I'm really lucky to have him for a friend now that we're grown. We didn't always get along as kid but now that he's grown he's a good guy. :)
We had actually gone to Vegas to see UFC 91 - a HUGE fight for the heavyweight belt. A legend in the sport (and one of my personal faves) Randy Couture was fighting. It was cool to be there for the fight - seemed the whole city was in on a giant inside joke. MMA brand shirts/hats EVERYWHERE. One of Tyler's friends from the gym was out there for the fights too and thanks to his friend, he was invited to Couture's pre-fight workout. Because he's a super swell guy he got us in too!!! We got to see him, his gym, shake his hand (haven't washed hands since!) and Tyler & Mark got their photo with him. While we were there we saw Randy's wife, also a famous fighter, and the Tapout guys (a popular MMA brand led by a crazy team of guys who also have a TV show). Also, Mark found the address for the Warrior (another popular MMA brand) gym and we set out in search for it. Finally arriving, we walked in and the guy gave us a tour. On the tour we happen to notice that Tyler's favorite fighter, Forrest Griffin, is working out there! As if that isn't cool enough, Mark decides he & I are going to stalk Forrest and get a photo with him. But Forrest heads into the bathroom at that moment and we end up loitering outside the mens' room. (I could only drink from the water fountain for so long!!!) Dunno what he was doing in there but he finally emerged after a LOOOONG wait and by that time Mark had forgotten what we were doing and didn't say a thing when Forrest walked by! This entire time, Tyler is so embarrassed he is standing by the gym's front door pretending he doesn't know us. hahaha.
Anyway, UFC 91 was really fun to see even if Couture lost. The Iowa boy Jeremy Stephens won which was fun to see. The next day while wandering MGM Tyler saw another famous fighter walkin down the hall and he says "Look!! It's Thiago Alves!! *pause* It's Thiago Alves picking his nose!!!" Then he promptly ran up to him and slapped him on the back (A few paces back I cringed as I imagined the automatic response to randomly slapping a UFC fighter!!!). He didn't get punched, he did however shake Thiago's boogery hand and get a photo with him. Good times.
Our room at MGM Signature was AWESOME. The MGM buffet for breakfast was AMAZING. We HAVE to find out how to make pancake casserole. mmmmmmm. Oh yeah & we saw some SWEEEET cars:

Utah - After Vegas, we toolied off in our rented Equinox (side note: Alamo staff in Vegas = SUPER rude. would not recommend) to Kanab, Utah to visit my grandparents. They live in a tiny town surrounded by mountains. BEAUTIFUL scenery. We had a lovely visit with them. Brandon & I really enjoyed cooking with Grandma and spending quality time together in the kitchen. We played many games of 'mexican train' dominos (I even won one night) and took a trip up the Kaibab mountain to place a ham radio repeater. It really is a gorgeous country we live in. We also went out for ice cream one night - ice cream runs in our blood so it's always a good time for a cone. I do so love my grandparents and hated to leave.

The only downside to this visit would by my grandparents' silly poodle with a broken leg. He has not been fixed and he thought Tyler's leg was attractive... heee hee.
Arizona - After Utah we headed south to Phoenix, dropped off the rental car and went to see Tyler's parents in Surprise, AZ. They always spoil us and dote on us and have our lil guest house ready for a stay. The first night Tyler's mom cooked up a storm and we had Thanksgiving dinner. DELISH!!!! It's so relaxing (& warm and sunny!!) there. We toured model homes and went shopping (scored sweet shoes!) and had a blast catching up on everything.
The 2nd night we went to Scottsdale to visit my aunt/uncle/cousins and Uncle Rick whipped up a delightful Mexican dinner. We love visiting there. Tyler felt comfortable with them from the first time he met them because my aunt is SOO like my mom, it's like being at my parents' house!
The third night in AZ we went to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse to celebrate Tyler's birthday with a meal Tyler's been anticipating since last year's birthday dinner there. The steaks melt in the mouth and even the spinach is yummy. Brandon is doing experiments at home now to recreate the Ruth's steak deliciousness!
It was sad to leave, the time in Arizona felt short but Tom & Wanda will be back in Iowa in a few short weeks for Christmas.
Random things I learned this trip:
Don't CHEW Jolly Ranchers. Even if they're cinnamon. They will break your teeth!
I don't like being without my dogs. It's not only that I miss them and want to hug them and get slobbery kisses. It's that a dog-free day makes me sad!! We saw about 1 dog other than my grandparents' dog and my aunt & uncle's dogs.
I'm allergic to desert air just like Iowa air!